
Seminars have been a major vehicle for the Institute to connect and collaborate with overseas organizations and experts and local practitioners in education, business and professional communities. They would also serve as the starting point for research and teaching projects.









2024.12.05 Belt and Road Forum centering on Digital Economy & Payment Settlement held in Hong Kong, exploring Hong Kong’s role in promoting digital silk road development

Belt and Road Forum themed Digital Economy & Payment Settlement, co-organised by the Ng Teng Fong ‧ Sino Group Belt and Road Research Institute of the Hong Kong Chu Hai College, Silk Road Economic Development Research Center and Maritime Silk Road Society was held on 5th December 2024 in Hong Kong. Mr Christopher Hui, Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury, Mr Zhou Qiang, Deputy Director-General of the Economic Affairs Department and Head of the Commercial Office of the Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Mrs Regina Ip, Convenor of Hong Kong Executive Council and Co-Chair of the Maritime Silk Road Society, Mr LAM Kwong Siu, Chairman of Board of Governors of Hong Kong Chu Hai College, Mr Joseph Chan, Chairman of Silk Road Economic Development Research Center, Mr Liu An Ning, Second Secretary of the Commissioner’s Office of China’s Foreign Ministry in the Hong Kong Special Administrative, Mr Alexander Ng, Director of Ng Teng Fong Charitable Foundation and General Manager of Sino Group, Mr Tan Yueheng, Member of Legislative Council and Chairman of the BOCOM International Holdings Company Limited, Ms Jane Zhang, Interim President of Hong Kong Chu Hai College, Prof. Thomas Chan, Director of Ng Teng Fong ‧ Sino Group Belt and Road Research Institute of Hong Kong Chu Hai College, Professor Shi Yong of University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Counsellor of State Council of the People’s Republic of China and Director of CAS Research Center on Fictitious Economy & Data Science, along with near 300 distinguished guests, including prominent business leaders from Hong Kong, mainland China, and overseas, Consul-Generals of Consulates-General in Hong Kong, government officials, entrepreneurs, and academics attended the Forum.

The Hon John KC LEE, Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region delivered an opening address (Video), in which he noted that in recent years, tokenisation technologies have revolutionised the global economy, creating new opportunities for the traditional financial market. The HKMA has launched a wholesale CBDC initiative called Project Ensemble this year, by leveraging advanced tokenisation technology. At present the Project has entered the Sandbox stage in August, with a focus on transactions involving tokenised assets. HKSAR Government will continue to capitalise on the growing influence of this key technology in the financial realm. He expressed his confidence that Hong Kong’s robust financial Infrastructure will support the financial services sectors to fully adapt to this new wave of digital economy, amidst the large array of opportunities offered by the digital “silk road”. In so doing, Hong Kong will consolidate its position as an international financial centre, and bring new development opportunities to other Belt and Road economies.

Mrs Regina Ip gave welcome remarks and highlighted the significant progress achieved in the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) over the last ten years. Apart from the remarkable expansion of BRI membership, substantive achievements in infrastructural development and trade among BRI members also call for increased cross-border payment settlement under the digital economy. It is therefore timely to explore the prospects of digital economy and examine the challenges and opportunities in payment settlement facing us under the BRI. She acknowledged the strong support from venue sponsors, Sino Group and Ng Teng Fong Charitable Foundation and all guests at the end of her remarks.

In his opening address Mr Christopher Hui noted that the Belt and Road initiative is more than just a platform for infrastructure and trade. It is a vision for global connectivity and shared prosperity. As we integrate digital innovation into this framework, the opportunities for economic transformation and cooperation are boundless. From providing world-class financial and professional services to advancing the adoption of cutting-edge technologies, Hong Kong stands ready to contribute to the continued success of the Belt and Road Initiative. He encourages all participants to seize these emerging opportunities, foster meaningful partnerships and work together to build a more interconnected, inclusive and prosperous future for all.

Professor Shi Yong delivered a keynote speech on the “Prospect of Digital Economy under the Belt & Road Initiative and Its Impact on Mainland China and Hong Kong”, in which he stressed the strategic importance of digital economy to the development of BRI and he added that over the past 10 years since the launch of BRI in 2023, with the support of the central government, Hong Kong has actively responded to the BRI, strived to serve the needs of the country with its own strengths and become an active participant and contributor and beneficiary in the construction of the Belt and Road. Hong Kong will further consolidate its own advantages and enhance its competitiveness in the process of fully promoting the “digital industrialization” and “industrial digitization” of BRI members.

Mr LAM Kwong Siu on behalf of the main organisers expressed his gratitude to all participants of the forum. He said the BRI is entering its next golden decade and Hong Kong is facing a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to play a crucial role in promoting Belt and Road and Digital Silk Road. We believe as we accelerate the development of the Digital Silk Road and the Silk Road of Innovation, more opportunities for cooperation will be created.

The panel discussion was divided into two sessions, respectively “Cross-Border Payments Fuelling the Accelerated Growth of Global E-Commerce” and “the Development and Implementation of Web 3.0 in Hong Kong”. The first session was moderated by Ms Julia Charlton, Managing Partner of Charltons, panelists included Dr Shen Jianguang, Vice President and Chief Economist of, Mr Ronan Zhong, Vice President of LianLian Global, Mr Esmond Lee, Deputy Branch Manager of Euroclear Bank Hong Kong Branch and Mr Herbert Siu, CFO of Payment Cards Group Limited together explored the critical role that cross-border payments play in driving the global e-commerce. In the second session moderated by Mr Joseph Chan, the Chairman of Silk Road Economic Development Research Center, Mr Ivan Chan, Co-Founder & COO of Web3.0 Technology Limited, Mr Furuzonfar Zehni, Partner and Portfolio Manager of Fresco Capital, Mr Marco Lim, Web3 Partner of Solowin Holdings and Professor James Lei, Secretary General of the Institute of Web3.0 Hong Kong joined the session and delved into the development and implementation of Web 3.0 in Hong Kong, the challenges facing, and the strategies employed to navigate through them.

The organizers have been consistently holding BRI forums on specialized topics related to global BRI development trends since 2017, as one of the leading pioneers in promoting BRI and Hong Kong’s commitment in integrating into the overall development of mainland China.

























Date: 25 July 2024 (Thursday)
Time: 2:30pm- 5:30pm
Attend in-person: Ng Teng Fong Lecture Theatre, 3/F, Tower 2, South Seas Centre, 75 Mody Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon. (尖東麼地道75號南洋中心2座3樓 黄廷方演講廳)






Date: 20 June 2024 (Thursday)
Time: 3:00pm- 5:00pm
Attend in-person: Ng Teng Fong Lecture Theatre, 3/F, Tower 2, South Seas Centre, 75 Mody Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon. (尖東麼地道75號南洋中心2座3樓 黄廷方演講廳)





2024.05.29 “Exploring International Relations in a Changing World: Focus on Iran and China” on MAY 29,  has to be canceled due to unforeseen circumstances. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.






























2024.01.24 One Belt One Road Workshop:

Financial Crises and their immediate aftermath: Recession and Depression

Speaker: Dr. Olena Zhytkevych


2023.12.07 One Belt One Road Workshop:

“How HK can accelerate RMB internationalization”

Speaker: Mr.Chan Lap Kee Joseph


2023.11.27 Turkish Films Workshop











2023.04.26 Seminar:

One Belt One Road Workshop Series 5:”Fintech and Capital Market”
Organizer: One Belt One Road Research Institute
Date: 26 April 2023 (Wednesday)
Time: 12:30 – 2:00 PM
Language: English
Venue: Zoom-meeting on Hall 2, Hong Kong Chu Hai College
Speaker: Ms. Julia Charlton


2023.04.14 Belt and Road Forum- Brave New World






One Belt One Road Workshop Series 4 : China Foreign Direct Investment in Africa: The Belt and Road Initiative Projects

Moderator: Prof Chan Man Hung, Thomas

Speakers: Prof. Oleksandr Rogach, Ms. Zhu Shu, Ms. Zhang Shimin, Ms. Tang Hui, Ms. Wu Wen

Venue: Hall 5, G/F Hong Kong Chu Hai College






Date News



One Belt One Road Workshop Series 4 : China Foreign Direct Investment in Africa: The Belt and Road Initiative Projects

Moderator: Prof Chan Man Hung, Thomas

Speakers: Prof. Oleksandr Rogach, Ms. Zhu Shu, Ms. Zhang Shimin, Ms. Tang Hui, Ms. Wu Wen

Venue: Hall 5, G/F Hong Kong Chu Hai College

Presentation Website Workshop Madagascar Workshop Nigeria Workshop South Africa


Date News



One Belt One Road Workshop Series 3 : Belt and Road Case Studies

Speakers: Ms. Julia Charlton

Venue: Hall 2, G/F Hong Kong Chu Hai College


Date News



One Belt One Road Workshop Series 2 : Belt and Road Case Studies

Speakers: Mr. Chan Lap Kee Joseph

Venue: Hall 2, G/F Hong Kong Chu Hai College


2023.03.13 Seminar:

One Belt One Road Workshop Series 1 : E-Commerce in China

Speakers: Ms. Vivian Mo & Mr. James Liang

Venue: Hall 5, G/F Hong Kong Chu Hai College


Date News



An Update Account of the Development of the Belt and Road Initiative

An updated account of Eurasian connectivity PDF


Date News



June 18,2022 Seminar series on Sanctions and Anti-sanctions: The Russian Case

Venue : Online via ZOOM
Language : English
Moderators : Professor Thomas Chan Man Hung
Director, OBOR Research Institute, Chu Hai College
Professor Oleksandr Rogach
Professor, OBOR Research Institute, Chu Hai College

Speakers : Mr Ryan Chan Ming Tai
Deputy Director General, Silk Road Economic
Development Research Center

Topics: Russian Economy Under Sanctions:
Sanctions and the Background

Speakers : Professor Oleksandr Pidchosa
Associate Professor of OBOR Research Institute,
Chu Hai College & Taras Shevchenko National
University of Kyiv, Ukraine

Topics: Russian Economy Under Sanctions:
Implications for the Financial Sector


8 Jun 2022 合辦機構 :


日 期 : 2022 年 6 月 8 日 (星期三)
時 間 : 下午 2 時 30 分至 4 時 30 分
地 點 : 珠海學院一號演講廳 (新界青山公路青山灣段 80 號)
語 言 : 廣東話

Seminar : 最新國際形勢對一帶一路及大灣區發展影響專題講座

Speakers: Dr. Thomas Chan

Topic: 新冠疫情與烏克蘭戰爭後的國際變局

Speakers: Mr. Joseph Chan

Topic: 香港企業與金融的對策過案分享


5 May 2022 Seminar series on  International Economic Trends – Post Pandemic

Speakers: Professor Alexander Rogach

Topic: Current Trends in Global MNE’s Investments: Post Pandemic

Current Trends in Global MNE’s Investments: Post Pandemic PDF

Speakers: Professor Alexander Pidchosa

Topic: Global Trade in Commodities: Is the Commodities Supercycle Accelerating?

Global Trade in Commodities: Is the Commodities Supercycle Accelerating? PDF



12 Jan 2022 An introduction to the strategic implications of the
Belt and Road Initiative of ChinaSpeaker: Professor Thomas Chan Man HungAn introduction to the strategic implications of the Belt and Road Initiative of China PDF


Online Seminar on “An update of Eurasian Connectivity after the Outbreak of Pandemic” 5 June 2021, Hong Kong

5 June 2021 An update of Eurasian Connectivity after the Outbreak of Pandemic

Speaker: Professor Thomas Chan Man Hung

The breakthrough of the Chinese railway express trains in Eurasian connectivity PDF


Speaker: Professor Alexander Rogach Professor

Ukraine as a logistic hub for Eurasian connectivity PDF


Speaker: Professor Alexander Pidchosa Associate Professor

Eurasian Connectivity: New Routes to Improve Efficiency PDF

A public talk on “Uzbekistan: on the reform path”, 19 March 2019, Hong Kong

Panel Discussion on “BRI: Bringing the East and the West Together? Organized by the China Institute, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London on 27 November 2018 in London, UK

Seminar on China-Ukraine trade and more, 29 September 2018, Hong Kong

Seminar on the New State Developments in Uzbekistan, 10 January 2018, Hong Kong

Belt & Road Innovation and Development Forum – The Belt & Road and Eurasia: Reality. Prospects, 3 November 2017, Hong Kong

一帶一路發展近況報告會, 2017 年6月30日